Metabolic Disease: Our Approach


Why Lifestyle + Functional Medicine Matter
Many chronic diseases - such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, atherosclerosis, kidney and lung disease, and Alzheimer's - are largely lifestyle-driven and preventable.
Conventional medicine often struggles to address these conditions effectively, focusing on and treating the symptoms, using surgical procedures and pharmacology, rather than the root cause. Most physicians don't have the resources to provide the comprehensive care that patients require, given their complex health issues. Many report that they were trained to focus on illness ... not wellness. And the majority of primary care physicians admit that they didn't receive education in nutrition, exercise physiology, and other lifestyle causal factors (see below) related to wellness and health span development during medical school.
That’s why MedMentor takes a tailored holistic approach to client care, integrating lifestyle modifications and behaviour change to target the root causes of illness with a personalized plan. Our team is trained in the philosophies and evidence-based science of both Lifestyle Medicine and Functional Medicine, providing you deep expertise and a wealth of knowledge to address your specific health challenges and guide you toward achievable outcomes.
MedMentor - where personalized care meets sustainable change.

How Our Personalized Approach Addresses
Cardiometabolic Disease
✓ Reduction in Cardiovascular Risk Factors
A meta-analysis of studies on Lifestyle Medicine interventions shows that individuals who adopt lifestyle changes, including dietary changes, regular physical activity, and stress management, can reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease by up to 80%.

Preventing Metabolic Disease
MedMentor works to prevent metabolic diseases before they take hold - to stabilize, even reverse them, if already established.
More than 93% of all adults have metabolic abnormalities that are often asymptomatic and can lead to chronic diseases if not treated.
We analyze your metabolic health, focusing on the root causes of disease on a cellular and mitochondrial level, to improve your health.

The MedMentor team has been amazing!
I had no idea that I had pre-diabetes, early heart disease, and abnormal cholesterol. I was significantly overweight, had signs of inflammation in my blood, felt fatigued, and had brain fog.
Dr. DeFrance went through my cardiac CT in detail and showed me the plaque in my arteries, explaining why it was there and what to do about it.
The team worked with me, helping me to understand what was going on with my metabolism and cardiometabolic health, and why. Next, we partnered together to create a plan, that I was able to follow with their support. The wearable devices and ongoing support helped keep me motivated and on track, along with follow up visits with Dr. DeFrance and the Health Coach.
I have lost nearly forty pounds, my lab tests have improved, and the original markers of pre-diabetes have diminished. I feel more energetic and happier than I've ever felt in my life.